Wednesday, January 7, 2009

You’re seen her multiple times on MTV, VH1, Comedy Central’s “Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn,” Animal Planet, Fox News, NBC, Comic’s Unleashed, TBS’s “Burly TV” (created by Lorne Michael), and every other show that features people. Hailing from Revere, Massachusetts comedian Bernadette Pauley is a dominant force of hilarity in stand up comedy.

After graduating Emerson College, she moved to NYC and began paying off her education and building an acting resume. Her crappy job resume grew much faster than her acting one. She added paralegal (lasted one day), waitress, bartender, bathroom attendant, coat check girl, cigarette girl and dog walker to her list (which already included working at Wonderland dog track, Suffolk Downs racetrack and supermarket cashier). She has spent years trying to figure out where she really belongs: in Blue Collar Revere or Beverly Hills. The answer is both. And neither

Eventually Bernadette’s talents found their way to the stage and in a short few years, she was cracking up the masses in states, colleges, comedy clubs, and casinos all across the country. It didn’t take long for the media to realize Bernadette had something special. When a big story breaks about a celebrity, flip the dial and you’ll likely see Bernadette giving her side of the story. She is also frequent guest on Sirius Radio's Raw Dog channel and you've probably seen her smart ass comments in Life & Style Magazine’s "Style Slipups" pages every week, although you may not admit you read it. Bernadette is a regular at the Comic Strip Live where you can see performing all this month.

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